#19 Cultural Strategy 2030: Review and Outlook

The six workshops held between April and November 2021 formed the core of the cultural strategy process. Four participants describe their personal impressions of the discussion rounds, in which they participated first digitally and then in person. In the workshops, proposals for goals and measures of the Cultural Strategy were developed and people became visible who wanted to contribute their ideas and concerns to the implementation. The spectrum of participants was very broad and ranged across different areas of expertise and generations. “Through the heterogeneous mix of such different culturally affine people, perspectives, ideas and connections arose for me that I would not have encountered otherwise. And as a result, very concrete plans for collaboration in the future,” recalls Teresa Waas (Initiative Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur).

Many of the participants, who averaged around 100 each, took part in several workshops, which enabled them to work continuously and network with one another: “This strengthens not only the individual institutions, but the cultural landscape of Tyrol as a whole,” finds Frederik Lordick (Dachsbau, Innsbruck Club Commission) and states: “Our wish is that these very productive and important workshops will lead to a cultural strategy for Innsbruck and the surrounding area that finally gives the entire Tyrolean cultural scene the status it deserves and, in the process, also redefines the local concept of culture.”

Culture blossoms

“My impression of the workshops was very positive, they were well organized and it also always motivated me personally when I was able to meet so many committed people,” says Viktoria Atzl (Verein Künstlervernetzung) and emphasizes: “By networking cultural professionals with each other, the cohesion of this sector could be strengthened and already existing infrastructure could be better used.”

“Innsbruck’s extremely colorful cultural scene should speak with a united voice for more diverse culture. The cultural strategy workshops were handled very professionally and the various opinions of the cultural operators present were well filtered out,” Peter Margreiter (Tiroler Volksmusikverein) elaborates: “The art will be to merge this opinion of a nevertheless quite manageable group with the general cultural interests of the city population, i.e. the end consumers of culture. Culture blossoms when it is perceived.”

How and when will it continue?

After finishing the workshop phase, a working group processes the results. The Cultural Committee of the City of Innsbruck discusses the proposed goals and measures. This results in a draft of the strategy paper. In March 2022, the draft is published on this website and a one-month public review period starts, to which all interested parties are invited again.

Link to press release (in German language): ibkinfo.at/kulturstrategie-ausblick